Sep 18, 2006 16:30

well homecoming was fun although with the slow songs i did get depressed but thanks to sammie who made me start dancing i had more fun. also thanks to jessica i wasnt the only one who was a little up set to and we are just proof that you dont need a guy to have fun. although it would have been even more fun if i would of had a date or at least have some one ask me to dance. Oh annie i still think that i won the bet and those people who did say yes were pobley just saying i because you asked them. YAY for annie those who know cause annie is beautimus and was the belle of the ball. SAMMIE LOOKED BEAUTIFUL! you and leo are so cute together. Thanks to every body who cared about me at the dance i really apriciate it! so thats my post for now and i hope everybodys happy!

Kaley: annie i dont rember you ever being this happy.
ANNIE: exept that time i found a cookie in my pocket.
KAley: you found a cookie in your pocket?
ANnie: no.... but i wish that i did.

HAHA annie i wont ever forget that. that was so funny.


F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
try it!

N is for any one at any time at all

DOWN HERE IN THE DEP BLUE SEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who new seas were blue?
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