(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 22:02

I've figured it out!  The answer to my problems!  The secret of life!

Study groups.

I hosted a History study group tonight with Nadine and Crystal.  I was motivated to learn because there were other people to keep me on track and to keep things interesting, and sitting around with great people eating cookies and discussing the inter-war period (as well as why one should use shampoo sparingly) proved to be extremely enjoyable.  I feel so energized!  I think part of my problem was that I stopped communicating, forcing myself inwards and focusing on all the bad things.  This may seem a little superficial, but I really think that just talking to people and having a good time is essential to well-being, and I don't think I realized that before.  I think I relied too heavily upon myself and refused to see the outside world as a source of support.  And I think that support can be indirect.  I mean, we didn't sit down and discuss my lack of motivation and how I can fix it, we just discussed the material, and by doing that we were productive and motivated.  Man.  If your mind is boggled at how a study group could possibly cause all of this insight I don't blame you, but it definitely has.

Perhaps this also explains why I was such a keener in elementary school - I socialized a lot more!  Or maybe it doesn't, because I'm pretty sure the non-keeners had a stable social life as well...I don't know, perhaps it is a contributing factor.  This is amazing.  For anyone who has not figured this out yet, get out there and have a good, light-hearted conversation with someone!  It does so much good!

...I kind of feel pathetic, like I was holed up in my little cacoon of anti-socialness and have discovered communication for the first time...but hey, I'm enjoying this.  I just may have had a real epiphany.  The one Mr. Wallace was looking for.  Or not the same one, because that had something to do with religion, but still...epiphany!  Whew...okay, calm down Alison, you don't want to burn out here.  Okay.  I will now calmy go and finish reading The Metamorphasis.  Now that is one strange literary work.

One more thing on the brilliance of study groups/socialization.  Afterwards, I was feeling so talkative,  I sat down and conversed avec mes parents!  I think they thought I was insane, I was so bubbly.

Right. Metamorphasis, here I come.
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