Jun 05, 2005 22:38
Mmmm guilty boredom. Guilty because I am procrastinating like a fox. Bored because it's 10:18 and I am too lazy to either do something productive or go to sleep.
I've been feeling lonely for the past little while. Not constantly, I'll just have moments of loneliness where I'd really like someone there to be a solid fixture of ground-ed-ness.
Sometimes I can look at a troublesome situation and say, "This will all mean nothing in a few years, so why care now?", but right now I am looking at the troublesome situations of people around me and I'm thinking, "Oh god, how the hell is this going to heal?" I wish that I could heal it, but doesn't everyone wish that?
Erlack. Why does my mother make me feel guilty by saying "goodnight"? There is something wrong with this situation.
I think that I should be more socially pro-active.
This has been Self-Reflection, by Alison.