tell me that we belong ToGeThEr.

Aug 21, 2005 23:43

so with like 2 weeks left of the summer-i have another job. I applied at Briggs earlier in the summer, they just called-I went today to talk to the guy and basically he assumed I was going to work there. So now on tuesday I'm working from 8-6 with a road lesson from 12-2. I dont even really know if i want to work there as opposed to Forever21, i guess i'll see how tuesday goes. I really dont even want to work at all during the school year, ah what the hell.

cheering officially starts on thursday:) i'm excited to see my family every single dayy.

my journal is now a year and 12 days old.

maybe its just me but taking back sunday and dashboard lyrics make sense of life sometimes, its weird.

--and all I need to know is that I'm something you'll be missing--

--oh how we've shouted, how we've screamed..take notice. take interest. take me with you--

i've been listening to way too much dashboard for my own good lately.

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