Gotta get the latest trend outta the ways first....
Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review":
January: NEW SCHOOL POLICY: if school were a person i would shoot them repeatedly.....
February: I david wall did something that made me incredibly nervous....
March: i dont know why but millions of things get under my skin and agitate me. did i spell that right?
April: Look how lonely this world seems to get. (lyrics)
May: The concert stuff tonight was AWWWEEEEESOOOOOME!
June: i should be happy
July: the headlines say she dont want me anymore
August: Seems that this tragedy couldn't have better been writ
September: So a little thing i've noticed about us guys...when hugging another dude it always goes one of two ways depending on how it starts
October: i'll be your one-lined pop explosion, a teardrop in a box office matinee
November: So my halloween didnt consist of trick or treating which was a let down but i feel that in exchange i got a pretty amazing night
December: hahah i'm bloody davy. arg
I want a new guitar. My acoustic apparently has a bent neck or something so thats causes it to buzz really bad. and then they put light gauge strings on it so when today we tried to play Amazing Grace it was disgusting sounding on my guitar, my poor guitar that used to sound so oh wells.
On the bright side, we had our first official mania practice today, oh and MIRANDA has joined the crew and she's singing so twill be quite awesome to have 3 part harmonies or something but yeah practice today wasnt the best practice ever but it was just nice to get used to some of the songs and what not and i cant wait for casey to get back into town so we'll have the whole cast here.
I'm feeling rather inartistic lately. and i dont think my whole next semester will help with that either, considering all my classes are social studies based, my creativity factor i feel will start to dwindle even more, oh wells.
my weekend was awesome despite having to work so much and not getting to hang out for long periods of time and feeling like crap. i love my friends.
-end transmission-