(no subject)

Aug 29, 2011 13:33

Hm. So this is LJ.

I suppose I've been lurking for over a year, which should have been enough time for me to get used to the place, but it's still awfully intimidating for someone who's been posting her fic happily at the Pit of Voles since she was a teenager.

But it's also exciting! There are things going on here! Things even happen here that are - gasp - not fandom-related! (But who cares about that; there's Destiel porn!)

I guess I just finally reached the tipping point of LJ-love, and I'm in the process of moving my fics over from FF.net. There aren't really that many of them, but for someone who just today figured out how to do an LJ-cut in the HTML editor it's something of a chore.

Not to mention the fact that lurking fanficrants has made me somewhat paranoid. When I moved my first multi-chapter fic here over a year ago, I might have gotten a little carried away. On every chapter, I put links to the next and previous chapters, and at the end I made a master list that linked to everything. At the time, I was functionally HTML-illiterate, so the whole project took me an entire afternoon and made me feel inordinately proud of myself. Then I realized that, since I had posted everything on the same day and there was literally nothing else in my journal, it's not as if the fic would have been difficult to navigate even without all those links.

Oh, well. It was good practice.

And now I'm off to see what all LJ has to offer. I'm sure it will be glorious.


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