Surface Tension (Chapter 6)

Dec 23, 2013 19:34

WOW, I'm sorry for the frankly ridiculous update delay. Unfortunately vet school often means coming home and saying to myself, "Well, I have enough time to either write, or make dinner, or take a shower. And I haven't eaten all day and I'm covered in poop." So I can't make promises about an update schedule. The only promise I can make is that I ( Read more... )

dean, castiel, supernatural, surface tension

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Comments 3

dc_derringer December 28 2013, 22:41:11 UTC
Ooh, I'm so glad to see this updated! I was just thinking recently that I needed a tentacle Cas update :) Loved the sex scene with Benny, and loved how practical and deft Castiel was in dealing with Creedy - but that's going to bite him in the ass later, isn't it?


wallmakerrelict January 4 2014, 04:31:31 UTC
Thank you for reading! I debated a lot with myself over that last scene, but mostly I just wanted to show that even though Cas is basically incapacitated for a large chunk of this story he is in no way helpless. :)


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