Five Times Castiel Went Down on a Woman and One Time He Didn’t (NC-17)

Sep 10, 2013 21:48

Oops, I've been forgetting to update LJ with my new fics for a while! I'm writing less these days (school is intense right now) but I'm still writing. I'm more active on Tumblr and AO3, but I'll still try to crosspost here ( Read more... )

supernatural, destiel

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Comments 4

the_diggler September 16 2013, 02:54:17 UTC
OMG bb! It's been so long since I've seen you post here! I actually read this at tumblr already and loved it. Especially the ending, where Dean is the one who finally reciprocates - fantastic ;p And I feel so proud whenever you write smut now lol, you've become so accomplished! Imma go find you at Ao3 now.


wallmakerrelict September 16 2013, 05:18:19 UTC
Awww, thank you! I've sort of been neglecting LJ; I need to put my newest fic over here too. I'm just lazy haha. And yes, all my smut is partially your doing, since you were the one who first encouraged me. :3


shadowvalkyrie January 8 2014, 22:15:15 UTC
I only now found this, and damn, it's so good! I love all the women's perfectly fitting individual styles and moods. And your slightly bewildered, but happy to please Cas-POV, with its melancholy undertone, is a thing of beauty. For something with so much hot, positive sex and such a happy ending, this is oddly-heartbreaking, though.

And like it was said above: I'm so happy you gave up being shy about writing porn! <3


wallmakerrelict January 11 2014, 04:20:31 UTC
Thank you so much! This one was fun and kind of sad to write, so I'm glad that came across. And oh man, I will never be shy about writing porn again! Haha :)


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