SPN Illuminated 2012 Cycle 1 - Art Masterpost

Mar 17, 2012 11:28

My first fic/art exchange with the lovely gryphon2k.

Artist: wallmakerrelict
Author: gryphon2k
Title: Night of the Hunter
Genre: Gen, pre-series, drama, action/adventure
Pairing: Jo Harvelle/Gordon Walker (flirting only), Ellen Harvelle
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4897
Summary: From the prompt: There must be a reason why Ellen doesn't like Gordon. What happened the first time Gordon came to the Roadhouse? Did Jo flirt with him? (Probably; he's damn hot). Did Ellen approve? (Probably not; Jo's her baby). Did Gordon take advantage of the situation? (Of course he did; he's Gordon).
Warnings: None

art, supernatural, fic exchange

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