Why do my fandoms hurt me?

Jan 17, 2012 16:10

So I had stuff I needed to get done today.

But then I watched "The Reichenbach Fall."

And then I read some semi-spoilery interviews about Cas's return.

And now all I want to do is lie on the floor for a while.

Roommates: What are you doing?
Me: Grieving for Sherlock! And fearing for Supernatural! Leave me alone!

But here's the thing. Sherlock gives me the good kind of pain. It tears my heart out, sure, but it's there with a package of suture saying, "Oh, geez! I'm sorry I had to do that! Here, I'll put it back." And then I thank it because I'm confident that it'll put me back together right next season, and the heart-ripping really was masterful.

I do not quite have the same faith in Supernatural. It tore my heart out at the beginning of the season, and since then it's been grinning at me with suture in one hand and a meat tenderizer in the other. "Did you want this back? Maybe I should just smash it instead. No? Are you sure?" It just keeps hurting me. And I want to strangle it. But I can't, because it has all my favorite characters in it, and I need to know what happens to them.

Robert Singer says of Season 7, "There are some surprises in the last few episodes that I think people will be happy with."

I will believe it when I see it, you bastard.

whining, supernatural, sherlock holmes

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