Random Update

May 01, 2007 20:59

Getting my head straight from the weekend.

Stayed up too late Friday so I woke up late for the MS Walk on Saturday.
William made sure I arrived and would have retraced the route with me had we not run into Others.
The zoo was more amusing than it should have been.
Children, just because you can't see claws does not mean the goose won't fuck you up.

Sat. afternoon/evening was Trish & Kat's Housewarming.
I participated in various levels of drunken geekery including, but not limited too ST fandom, gamers, SCA, gamers, random political stuff, and gaming.
Rick appeared and we talked about ... stuff for a while.
I believe a good time was had by all. A good time was definitely had by me.
I submit the hangover Sunday as proof.

Sunday, woke up just in time to get to Larp late and try to keep people from seeing the trouble that other people are causing.

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