Random Question Meme

Feb 24, 2011 18:11

Tagged by sunnyzim

I don't know enough people on LJ yet to tag anyone! But I'll answer these anyway...

1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up:

* Computer
* Bottle of Coke (Coca Cola!)
* Roget's Thesaurus
* Nail polish remover
* Reading glasses

2. How do you style your hair?
Ghd it straight

3. What are you wearing now?
Green lacy spaghetti strap top, black skirt

4. What's your occupation?
High school chemistry and physics tutor

5. What do you hear right now?
People swimming in the pool outside my room

6. Who was the last person you hugged?

Andrea McGrath

7. What was/is for dinner?
I'm not sure - spaghetti bolognese?

8. Chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla ice cream (or other)?
The chocolate-ier, the better!

9. When did you last see your sibling(s)?
About a month ago

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online? 

Gmail, FF.net, Facebook, Google News

11. What was the last thing you bought?
Iced coffee at La Caverna

12. Do you think your name suits you?
Hmm... well, I like it - does that count?

13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Where I'd LIKE to be: married with a couple of kids and writing novels

14. Where's your birthmark?
 No birthmark!

15. How easily do you cry, and about what (apart from obviously traumatic things like losing someone you’re close to)?
How easily I cry depends on... hormones, shall we say... but it's usually about relationships (or the lack thereof).

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I do play the piano, but I'd love to play the violin and the clarinet

17. How are you?
A bit tired, a bit hungry, mostly pretty happy

18. What is your favourite childhood memory?
I think when my little brother was born.

19. When did you last SWOON?
I'm not sure, but it almost certainly involved a pair of Winchesters ;-)

20. What's your latest addiction?
Supernatural has been my chief addiction for almost two years now (although I recently discovered Nigella's Cranberry and White Chocolate Chip Cookies... WOW).

21. What's the last good movie you saw?

The King's Speech


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