YAY!!!!!!!! *does happy dance* Sarah got her fishy!!!
It doesn't have a name yet, all evil looks because of this can be directed at miss Kristin, who is the fishy's offical namer.
In other news:
I dislike Mrs. Fry's grading.
I can't decide whether I like Mr. G or not. He gave me the part I wanted in "Baby in the Bathwater", but he gave me a part in "Man in the Moon Marigolds" and last I knew he thought I couldn't act *which I don't disagree with* and so he gave me a 2 page monologue in a play that I hate *which was made very clear in my journal* so maybe he's just doing it to spite me.
ToK, after English, will be the death of me.
I hate my busdriver and feel like shooting him.
I have yummy yarn *another happy dance*
And my sweater looks yummy so far.
Random phone calls recieved at 11:23 pm.
And I'm sure there's more but my mind is starting to sleep know that I have 2 hours before work.
Night, Sarah
p.s. sorry for the bad pictures my compy doesn't like me, and a fish isn't a very posable animal.
[edit: Le poisson s'appelle Willoughby Marcello Kingston. (The fish's name is Willoughby Marcello Kingston).]