*still flailing*

Oct 31, 2012 04:00

- This isn't a completely spoiler free post so beware before entering. Pics are clickable, gifs are all in original size.
- I don't know how many of people who read this have been/will be affected by Sandy by now, but please STAY SAFE you all!!

This is another proof of me not having life because I'm still flailing over the fic posted nearly two weeks ago, and I've got like only three people on my flist I know watch NCIS: LA, but please, you got to read this cat!G fic the awesome willwork4dean wrote. And yes you read it right, cat!G. Cat. G. G Callen is a cat. (Okay I think you got it already.) And it's amazing. It's crack, on some level at least, since G is a cat, but honestly I'm not sure if it's okay to call it crack. Don't get me wrong I LOVE crackfic and crackfic is good, but this story, it's just so legitimate and got everything I love about this show and SO GOOD as always her stories are and I JUST CAN'T STOP READING IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The image of tiny, skinny, size of a bunched-up sock kitten!G in Sam's arms - and him attacking (lol) Kensi and Deeks fearlessly - and getting a room in the drawer of Sam's desk - and so obviously being in love with the big guy - everything is just asdgfhgjhkjlk;l: I CAN'T. It features the entire team (more or less) with good amount of team interaction and Sam is so Sam and G is so G (in any form) and full of lovely lovely Sam/G ~feels, and if you like good Kensi/Deeks banter you are most certainly going to enjoy this one, she's a K/D fan and their bits in her stories are always spot on. I also love (possibly too much) this AU the story is set in, just a little swap of the roles/positions.

Seriously, willwork4dean is AWESOME. I don't want to live without Fandom, it's my way of life and she's like... an actual light of my life! I feel like I'm not allowed to want anything (... at least for a while <-- greedy much?), because I've got pretty much everything fannish* I wanted this year that I never thought I'd actually get and it's her who made my wishes all come true. I don't want to imagine what this year for me has been like if she wasn't there, I can't imagine what this fandom is like without her. I'm just sad and sorry this fandom is so tragically small and can't give her back enough for what she's been doing for us. This just isn't fair. :'(

*takes a deep breath*

Soooo new Sam centric eps! Anyone excited about them y/y?!?! I'm trying hard not to hope too much, since most of the time TV shows disappoint me when they do character back story, but I love me MORE nekkid Sam (and Sam & G) so I just can't not get excited. *is jittery*

Some personal favourite NCIS LA cast Instagram photos posted recently:

danielaruah: @chrisodonnell went a little bling bling today
I want this doll on my desk and want to spend the entire day staring at him, seriously. I don't know what the real context is here, but when I saw it the first thing came to me is Lethal Weapon 2, where the bad guys caught Riggs and his girl and put them in the sea - you know where my mind went after. I'm such a bad, cruel person. XD I won't complain if it really happens in the ep, and there's this 'too many holes, I'd sink (in the water)' (or something like that) line G once said to Sam...

ericcolsen: This is not an effect. These are the actual sizes of @llcoolj and @chrisodonnell on #ncisla #bestcoworkersever
This is like... the best thing ever. (SIZE KINK!!!) Hail to ECO. \o/

danielaruah: You talkin' to me @llcoolj?
Isn't this pic HOT??? Two of hottest people in their uniforms! Made me wonder if there's Sam/Kensi fic, not that I want it or see this pairing but if there's CaKe (lol) fic, for the sake of variation there's gotta be some SaKe somewhere too! (No pun intended.) (And the thought of some hot Sam/G pr0n that involves uniforms... mmm...)**

Plus some gifs I haven't 'publish'ed on Tumblr yet. This is my biggest dilemma, I want to post things here *first* as I make them one at a time but then it's just going to be spam. What should I do. :(

[From 4.05 promo]

... I'm sorry I'm not sorry I made this? LOL. Remix of 4.05 'Out of the Past Part 1' Promo but really, this is what I 'saw' when I first watched it! And this is my speculation:
Plot A: G is in love with Sam. Twist 1) but it’s not a secret, and 2) it’s not a problem either.
Plot B: Sam is cheating on G. ... OKAY THIS IS SO NOT OKAY.

(And #3! Look at G's faaaace. I made it and it breaks my heart. :P)

[Eric & Nell from 4.02 in two different colour themes]

I can't decide which one looks better. And I completely fucked up the sharpening process, those backgrounds bother me so much. :/

[Sam & G 1]

(I don't know why he has to do that? The eye thing? And kill me?)

[Sam & G 2]

It's ridiculous how many hours (or days or weeks) I spent on those gifs - I'm just too bad at this. :/ Especially the last one, I've struggled so much with text and size limit, it's no good but finally... acceptable, I think. And of course it's inspired by willwork4dean's another story, matching the icons I posted a while ago.

*Well technically not *everything* but the things I actually said I want!
**It's not the uniform pr0n but I just remembered there's this delicious wetsuit Sam/G porn by
elizaria! *re-reads* O.M.GGGGGG SO. FRIGGIN. HOT. I totally forgot how hot it is! Why aren't there tons of fics like this, it's universal loss.

queue, dear diary, tv: ncis: los angeles, !gifs, fic squee, willwork4dean is awesome

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