Screencaps: CHAOS 1x13 Proof of Life

Aug 08, 2011 23:17

Fist of all, APOLOGIES for the unforgivable delay! Right after having a lovely BD despite the age I turned (thanks everyone so much for the shiny BD gifts and messages!), all Hell broke loose in RL and it got difficult to focus on anything, and with the combination of LJ issue I fell awfully behind with everything. RL is never cooperative, especially when I'm feeling very creative. But I finally got the screencapping/organising done, also did some iconing, both I'd been desperately wanting to finish/do and that's the progress at least.

So here it is, screencaps of the final episode of our beloved show. No more new episodes to cap, no more Rick, Michael, Casey and Billy. (And no Fay, Adele, Higgins and Blanke...) It's such a great show and part of me still wants to believe it'll be back because it has to be. *sniff* I terribly miss them all.

CHAOS 1x13 "Proof of Life"
2784caps (unsorted) | 1280x720px (no logo) | .jpg
243MB one .zip on MegaUpload
Two .zips on MediaFire (can be downloaded and unzipped individually): one (1,521caps/138MB), two (1,263caps/105MB)

Sample preview:

Samples are hosted on ImageBam and by clicking the thumbnail, new window will open.

screencaps: no logo, tv: chaos, !screencaps, {p}

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