Just finished organising caps from 1x05-1x07. *I iz ded* 1x05 caps have been sitting in my hard drive too long, I think they actually started to rot. (Why so slow, myself?) Will go on posting spree today!
1x05 "Molé" Screencaps: 2,728 (unsorted) Resolution: 1280x720 Format: jpg Download links: 190MB .zip on MegaUpload or MediaFire
- They are free to use for anything (of course), no need to ask :) - Credit is nice (it will help others find the caps if they want to use them), but not necessary - Although sample pics are fairly small (180x101px) I went too far and put 70 samples under the cut. The page's still pretty light and easy to load for me, but it may be image heavy for you
Samples: Click the image once to get the original size