You scored as Pirate. YARR!! Ye be a pirate!
You're able to join AIM's Pirate Club: Virtual Pirate! You can be sexy, swashbucklin' and awesome. Don't you desire these things?
Ninja or Pirate?created with Now how absolutely cool is that? way cool! I am a pirate. What shall my pirate name be? My camp counselor last year was Dancin' Sally Nine-toes even though her name really wasn't Sally and she never danced but she did get a big gash on one of her toes, which basically rendered it unusable. So that was her name, and since I am sailing the open and dangerous seas of Lake George this summer, I think I need a fitting name. Any ideas? best one gets a prizey thingy.
You know I want to be a pirate so i can be like Ellen in peter pan, cuz she was hot.