May 10, 2005 22:59
That song has no lyrics, unless you count Dan going "start from the beginning?" and then "one, two, three, FO!" slightly later on, actually it has no name, nor does the band have any name, so of course i made up the name, and the band name, neither of which they are going to use to the best of my knowledge. But "mike is my supercool boy scout" is way better than "paranoia". Just to let you know what i'm talking about, Blaney and a few of my amazing old colombia friends started a ska-ish band. They're not bad, actually i think it's pretty damn cool.
Sorry, I becaume a slave to the little boxy thingy that projects pictures (mooving pictures!), and therefore did not discuss the weekend atall.
Saturday - was crew sectionals, but there was SATs and stuff, so they started later, leaving Emma at noon versus the standard racing day be at saratoga forty five minutes away by seven, and therefore i actually got to sleep somewhat. It's very nice, sleep, I should fit it into my schedule more often. so our, meaning the novice boat, 's race was the first race of our team. We were against the toga absolute crazies who take three mile runs every hour so that race days even approach the strenuousness of their practice, Nisky people who are seriously not novices, perfectly set boat, no swearing coxswain and everything, and queensbury, all juniors and seniors. We had to beat one of them to get into finals. Immediately after the start to bow of queensbury caught a huge crab and just sat there with her head leaning over the side of the boat for about ten minutes, and somehow we were right behind toga and nisky, who were right next to eachother. It was awesome, the new lineup was definately working and we didn't seem to be getting the horrible effects of the huge monsoon-style waves created by the winds as much as the other boats. races are 1500 meters long right? somewhere between the 500 and 1000 marks, I caught a huge crab. Large enough that not only did the handle soar over my head, it pushed up against the top of the oar lock with enough force that it broke the hinge on the shutter, and the little pin that pivots the shutter on the oarlock flew off to a better place. miracle of miracles i manages to get my oar back quickly, but because there was absolutely nothing keeping the oar inside the lock, it busted out again, going for the freedom which apparently rests somewhere between me and Angela. managed to get that one back too, but basically i'm just killing the damn oar lock and less than a minute later annother crap came round, the handle hit me in the chin and i sat there helpless in the boat watching my oar drift away back to whence it came, and the shutter, as well as the spinney screwthing that secures it, sinking to the bottom of Fish Creek, Saratoga, it's final resting place, may it ahve fun with the dead fish and seaweed. and the boat rowed on without me as i sat there hating myself for letting everyone down and screwing up big time I actually cried in that boat, soem readers of this actually know how hard it is to make me cry (one of whom keeps trying to change that) and i ain't exactly happy i did, but shit happens, and so does salt water expelling itself from one's eye sockets, these are just the things we have to deal with in life. We still beat queensbury, they were a good 500 meters behind everyone for most of the race, and made it into the finals. when the boat got to the dock it was interesting to hear coaches reactions:
Bob: It's not your fault and it'll be okay. parts are easy to replace and the oars are actually personal floatation devices to we can fix this okay? did it hit you?
Ms. Miklavcic: worse things have happened in races, and you guys made it into the final so it's not like you have to end the day like that, even though if it weren't for queensbury you almost definately would have. you caught a crap first right? that means that you weren't rolling up early enough.
and then there's my dad, even though he's not a coach: did you miss something alex? somehow i thought that was kind of a necessary part of rowing.
so we had to use the varsity boat for the final; we hotseated it right after they finished and rowed out. it was only us and Shaker out there (they were in the other heat) and we were talking to eachother between boats and stuff and i kept repeating to myself "roll up early, roll up early." we were out there for like twenty minutes and we were like come on people, we're supposed to be racing, and then a mator boat came and was like the race is cancelled, the water is too bad, you guys have to row the course back. We were so prepared to just race Shaker seeing as we were out there anyway, but the boat lady was like no, we're rowing slow. But we were really just playing mind games with them, because we realyl were racing them, but they didn't know it and therefore we won by a landslide, we also did it quite sneakilly, but calling out all of the "resting" calls, but really noty slowing down. I will say, three inches of standing water in the botom of a 60 foot boat does make quite a resistance to movement. when we got to the dock we then had to pick up the 60 foot boat accompanied my its three inches of standing water and tip it over our heads, hereby causing a shower of disgusting, fishy, water to pour over our heads for enough minutes for most parents readily equiped with cameras to capture three photographs. and yet in the fishy water there was no shutter, i looked. then we sat around of a while and drove home, where i went to a dinner party for my mom's departing boss, in which i had a vary heated argument over what was the best Simon and Garfunkle song.
SUnday: woke up for mothers day. burned mothers day toast. ended up being awake for three unnecerssary mothersday hours. went back to sleep and woke up again at three. did homework for hours on end. Ellen helped with my C-100 poster, she said stalkerish things to me while I took a screenshot. I also found a picture of a bluish, round man and said that is what's on the other side of computers you don't know. no i'm noyt forging my sources, what are you talking about......
yesterday: no sleep due to having to have to clean my room. also was being closely watched in crew practice, and most obviously failing intensely. every move was critiqued. I am really sick of feeling like shit. I've had it for a while and you know what? it sucks. but i don't really know what to do about it. I also found out I got a 77 on a bio test which i really needed to do well on because my symposium is failing and if my grade slips back to a b or b+ i'm dead. I won't be able to set foot in this house ever again. did quite well on french though.
today was basically the same - major critiquing in crew, my dad informed me that i have no backbone, don't adress my problems with the people i need to, am far too sensitive and have major avoidance issues. personally, i'd rather have shara's multiple personalities and the whole being the apocolypse baby.