Jan 04, 2006 02:19
Why is it so hard for someone to comprehend the most simplest of things? I am working on a problem with my sister and her husband about him telling people not to hire her because he does not want her to work. She is old enough to help herself. She may have cancer, does this make her less human. She brings her problems and questions to me. As a big brother you think I could help, I am clueless myself. I think Faith can be better at helping her than me right now. All these things are put on my plate and all I can say is, "It will be alright, we will get through this together." How much help is this. I want to be able to help so much, to stop her suffering. Her husband tries to damn hard and he just makes it harder for her. What should I do? Is this all that is expected of me, to say it is okay?