Jul 03, 2007 08:28
Now, I'm not usually one to rant about the Army. I think they do a great job. But today, I'm really pissed off.
My brother has been rejected from the Army. Because he has an allergy.
Now, I wouldn't be so annoyed if he wasn't at spyrograph testing at the time. For those of you who don't know, SG testing is the final testing stage before you are accepted into the Army. This means you go through countless interviews, 2 stay-away training courses, two medical examinations, an intellegence examination and more interviews.
On every form filled in, and on the Doctors Certification issued from my brother's GP, it is clearly stated in b lock capitals and often highlighted; "Daniel has a severe allergy to nuts". It was mentionned at both his medical examinations. It was mentionned several times during several interviews.
But they let him continue training. They let him carry on jumping through their hoops. Right up until his very final medical examination.
Daniel has always wanted to go into the Army. He joined the Army Cadets at 12 and regularly went on training exercises with them. He's totally committed himself to this recruitment.
I'm so pissed off.