(no subject)

Sep 06, 2005 20:09

hey guys
ive been posting a lot, sorry.
but here comes a long post.
you dont have to read it
dont have to respond
just do whatever

can you handle this?

lets see.

its funny how the little things make you think and think and think. while waiting for the bus to return me back to the 1604 utsa campus, a man walked by. he was with a mission: to find somebody with a lighter, or hell, even just maybe a lighter. he was prepared to accomplish this mission with a cigarette at hand. nobody around me, including myself, had one. he continued his way down the sidewalk, asking student by student. he finally found a young man to get a light off of, as i saw in the distance.

at that moment i didnt know wheter to feel sorry for the man or to rejoice that his mission, however brrief it may appeared, was accomplished. i mean, health VS. happiness. whic not scotthudson: h comes first? (sorry, stephanie price was being obnoxious and imed me and interrupted me. lolol)

Stephanie Nanez, a friend of a friend, has the same class as me for architecture and culture. shes a funny girl, and so am i, only i have a penis and am not a girl.
In my chair today, it squeaked each time i sat back in it. it was sorta a fart sound. sometimes i did it on purpose, but whenever i made the fart sound on accident, it was funnier, because it was. we both would start laughing. i think we were the only 2 out of the 200 in that class to laugh throughout the class. i think this is because the teacher is a hardass and frightens the shit out of everybody. dont get me wrong, hes one of the best teachers ive had, with only Mr. Player beating him. they're both hilarious.

He was making an example with Culture vs Nature. he used a scenario where we were on a desserted/deserted/de-zert-id island, and we were hungry. then bambi comes along and we kill bambi. then he went on and on about what we could do. "we could go ahead and eat bambi, just one piece and save the rest of bambi for later. but whenever we come back the next day, what would've happened to bambi? he wouldve been decomposing. so what could we do to preserve bambi? ...who just said marinade him? We could put salt on him, or sugar is a preservative too, but i dont think we have access to sugar. We could cook bambi."
i know me saying here may not as be as hilarious as it was, but trust me, it was one of the funniest things ever.

theres these 2 guys. i dont know their name, but i have 3 of my 4 downtown classes with them, and i ride the bus downtown with them. they are both hilarious. i dont know what it is, but one of them sorta attracts me. not in a my dick in his ass way, no no no. just i wish i were somebody like him he has a dress shirt on, always wears it loosely at the top with a very loose bow tie as well. and hes taller than me, and is just a funny guy. i wish i were taller like him.

so as you may have imagined, ive made my judgements on my teachers.
my Architecture History I teacher is ok. shes a chicka fascinated with architecture. and she does have a sense of humor, which is nice. not old, maybe 29 or 30.
my Physics teacher is a sweet old lady, but she has this accent that drives everybody in the class up a wall. PHEEZZEEKKSSSS (physics) QUIZZESSSS (quizes) INNNCQUIZZZZZZZZ (increase)
US Politics. teacher looks like steven spielsberg. exactly, just a lil less skin and bones. his personality reminds me of bill mahr.
Arch. and culture teacher, like ive said, is a hardass smart guy. if youre more than 1 minute late to his class, he tears your pride and integrity down.

*kid comes in late*
"I hope this isnt a habbit"
*dead silence of fear he might just SNAP.*
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