A year in review and reflections

Jan 03, 2010 23:25

SO- Im a couple days late on the whole 2009 review but not as last as I was last year (or maybe it was the year before...) In any case, I spent a really lovely awesome evening with a bunch of my friends on New Year's eve and it was definitely a good way to end 2009 and bring in 2010.

Resolutions for 2010:
-practice drawing at least once a day (already failing...GONNA FIX THAT)
-eat better!!
-apply for internships
-live in a way that makes me happy

Last years resolutions were:
-practice drawing more often this happened. Now for more hardcore practice!!
-continue doing well in school Did this as well!
-try to eat a little better this...didnt really happen at all ;_; back on the list
-live in a way that makes me happy worked hard to do this...and succeeded MOSTLY.

better roommate situation
big falling out with a friend
bad art history
bad color theory
good drawing II
still making friends and adjusting to school
MLK jr weekend D:

Scott and ethan come to visit GA
parents birthdays
got a deviantart
hard time sleeping

mean DA guy
spring break
considering nude modeling
found out Sam was leaving SCAD
cosplay crazy
relationship problems

two best professors, rosenburg and Philips
5 years with LJ
3D ;_;
big changes, rut
figuring myself out some more
relationship problems

discover periscope studios interning program
more changes
and relationship problems
wondering where freshman year went
said goodbyes
last prom ever

come home to a lot of unexpected problems
tried very hard to get job #2
finally patch things up with friend I had falling out with

get job at verizon
break up with Scott
22 day working streak
other friend professes undying love to me
discover spx
Dad gets different job!

Hang out with Dylan for the first time ever
get laid off from verizon
get to see more friends more often
summer gets better
struggling to maintain any kind of relationship with Scott
more changes, identity
struggle with feelings
replace dental bridge
MCR and skinny jeans

AWA planning
reconnect with Jaime
Visit chase with Jordan, get to see Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama for the first time
saw 9
discover/meet Camilla D'errico <3 <3
as well as other great artists who really inspire me
first seqa class
more struggling with feelings

turn 21! really good birthday
cut off all my hair
school is a lot more challenging
start dating chase

write, draw, and print my very first mini comic
make deans list again
wonderful thanksgiving
spent weekend with family
work at FYE
meet Youko (Sarah)

start working at Kohl's
seeing friends
lovely christmas
say good byes ;_;
get ready to go back to school

It has been quite the year. Ive met people who have had a giant lasting impact on my life (friends, professors, etc), Ive made some amazing friends who I hope to have in my life for the rest of my life, Ive gone through some HUGE changes as a person (although it took me a little while to see it in myself) I struggled a lot with my identity and peoples expectations-including my own, my family has gone through a lot and made it through to the other side :D, I met and discovered artists that have had a HUGE impact on me as an artist and as a person, Ive been doing well at the school of my dreams, I fell out of love- doubted love completely- and fell in love again despite that, I got another year older, I became a lot more open minded, I learned more than I thought I could, I almost lost a friend, I did things Id never thought Id do, and here I am after all of it.
For 2010, some stuff will be happening, and I have some goals as well.

>>After thinking long and hard about it, Im switching my meds from welbutrin to Effexor. Welbutrin hasnt been handeling my depression as well as Id like it to, its an appetite suppressant and has been making me very ill for some time now, it doesnt do a thing for my ansxiety...all of that leads me to the logical conclusion something needs to change. So I met with my doctor and I have a new prescription and now I just have to make the transition, which is already kinda sucking. Weeeee. BUT- things will hopefully be much much better once I have made the transition! Yay!

>>Planning on applying for an internship at Periscope, and also seeing what other internships are out there for me to apply to!

>>Find some way to earn more money to support myself going through school

>>Go to AWA again, and maybe have a table there? or maybe at another convention...just dont know where yet. Thats a goal that may or may not happen

>>Work REALLY HARD. Im never gonna get where I want to go if I dont work hard.

>>Show the people in my life how important they are to me.

>>Try to be more optimistic

>>Make the most out of everything

I hope everyone had a wonderful new years and that 2010 is already shaping up to be a great year! <3 <3 love you all.

friends, art, inspiration, family, scad, identity, life, 2009, changes

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