Title: Imagine
Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): WEVE
Rating: K+
Warning/Spoilers: movie spoilers
Summary: Inspired by "There She Is! Final Step" and the song that goes with it.
FAK-E Cut Title: Off
Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Auto
Rating: K+
Warning/Spoilers: Movie spoilers
Summary: But his mind kept going inside the case.
Still FAK-E Title: Double Shuffle
Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): TONS of characters. WALL-E, M-O, Auto, OCs, a lot of EVE. I may be forgetting somebody, too. Only pairing is WEVE.
Rating: T. Nothing uber mature, but a bit dark in some places.
Warning/Spoilers: Movie spoilers
Summary: You know the song challenge going around, right? Here's one for WALL-E, but I did 20 ficles instead of 10.
FAAAAK-E! P.S. Sorry for being a bit all-take-no-give on the promptfest so far. I'll try and contribute some fic tomorrow. I keep meaning to. ^^;
P.P.S. Mod, may we please have an Auto character tag? Thank you. ^^