(no subject)

May 28, 2008 12:09

So it's been about 4 billion years, more or less right? Yeah thought so. Haven't had time to do much, but now that I have been sitting around for about 2 weeks now (3 weeks - fuck I don't know) so I have managed to color some stuff and make a few icons through out the school year and a few FSTs, so here's all that jazz.

Paradise Kiss
[1] FST
DOGS: Bullets and Carnage
[1] Wallpaper
[2] Colored Scans
[1] FST
[2] Header/UserInfo Banners
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
[1] Wallpaper
[1] Header/UserInfo Banner
[1] Header/UserInfo Banner
[3] Icons

(okay so a lot more than I thought I had)

Download Here

Policy on Colored Scans: Feel free to use as you please, crop them, put textures on them, whatever, credit would be appreciated for the coloring though - those do take a bit of work.

Download Here


colored manga, tengen toppa gurren lagann, icons, bleach, dogs: bullets and carnage, paradise kiss, banners, moyashimon, fan soundtrack

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