Mar 01, 2017 16:06
Lots of pilots are being cast right now and I’m seeing something VERY interesting on Tumblr. I’m seeing a lot of: “Please don’t make (fill in name of actor or actress)’s character gay.” or even “Please don’t make (fill in name of actor or actress)’s character the love of interest of (fill in name of actor or actress). I’d rather the character be gay.”
And, I’m just sitting here thinking - They are only filming a pilot. It might not even get picked up. Some of the actors or actresses in the pilot may change. Parts of the pilot may be reshot. Why are people so obsessed with whose going to be the love interest? Why are people worried that a character may or may not be gay? Half these pilots won’t even make it to television. At least start worrying once the show is green lit for a certain number of episodes.
Personally, I always sort of side-eye when television shows show us a pilot that says: “Character A WILL be the love interest of Character B. They are the main love story of the show. They’ll get the screen time. Deal with it.” Because, while I do sometimes ‘ship couples that the show wants use to ‘ship - I also love when two people just have chemistry. Like, I love going into a show and seeing chemistry between two unexpected characters.