"The Jolly Roger" is the seventeenth episode of season three. Again, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as everyone else did. I felt like most of the episode (everything but the last five minutes or so) were filler. The flashback wasn't terribly necessary and Killian's "big secret" felt like a let down.
The Flashbacks:
- Dear God, was Blackbeard a let down! He's a historical character hanging out in the Enchanted Fairy Tale World - you could probably do a lot with the character. Instead, it was pretty much over in five minutes. What a waste.
- I've seen a lot of people commenting that this was Hook's big redemption episode. Wait. . . what? His "big secret" was that in the missing year he betrayed Ariel to get his ship back. (The ship, which is totally an Emma metaphor, btw.) But, uh. . .isn't betraying people sort of his thing? He betrayed Bae/Neal to Pan, he spent all of season two betraying Cora or Emma and Co. or Cora/Regina or whoever. And, I'm sorry, but him regretting his actions doesn't redeem what he did. He only feels bad because of Emma, anyway.
- Snowing wanting Henry to think they are cool? What kind of lame story is that? Complete waste of screen time. All of Snow, Charming, and Henry's scenes could have been cut and nothing would have changed.
- In regard to Killian as a character: I never went for his 'True Love Forever' with Milah. But, I was really interested in his complex relationships with Neal and Tink. I personally thought he had quite a bit of chemistry and quite a bit in common with Regina - that should have been explored. I thought his complicated and dark past with Rumple and even Belle was interesting and could have led to some stories worth watching. I feel like Killian is slowly turning into a Gary Stu and just a love interest for Emma.
- I think Zelena's Kissing Curse isn't bad. . .but, why tell Killian? Why do the Curse? I thought Regina was her real threat? The "Kiss Curse" seems like just another plot device to rush Captain Swan together. Because you know they'll kiss within the next five weeks.
- Quick question: Emma was the Savior of Rumple/Regina's original Curse. Isn't her role over? How can she be the Savior of other Curses? Is it because she is a True Love Baby? Because, they aren't that rare - we've met like four since season one. (Cinderella and her Prince's daughter; assuming Aurora and Phillip's child; even Alice and Cyrus' daughter over at Ouat in Wonderland; plus Emma.)
In Regard To Captain Swan and Killian as a Possible Gary Stu:
- They are really pushing Killian and Captain Swan. So much so that Hook is pretty much in Gary Stu territory at this point. Everyone (expect Belle) seem to worship the guy. Henry thinks he's cool? Video game, technology obsessed Henry? He thinks the guy who never changes, (Where does he even sleep? Does he only have the one outfit? His clothes must smell, unless he washes them every night.) doesn't know what a GPS is, and whose idea of a "good time" is playing with dice, is cool? Regina points out that Emma is "making eyes" at Hook. Snowing seem to be going to Team Hook.
Meanwhile, Hook is all "Emma is my True Love and I will love her forever." (pause) "I seriously never thought I'd love after Milah." And yet. . .he spent all of S2 betraying Emma and lamenting about his Lost Great True Love Milah. Then, in Neverland, (btw episodes 1-11 took place over roughly eight to twelve days; fourteen at max) he falls madly in love with Emma - claims to have loved her since S2, even.
Look, if they want to go Captain Swan, fine. I personally think the producers treated Neal unfairly to get to it and that they are rushing it, but fine. Just don't insult me. S2 saw Hook betraying someone every episode and he was barely alone with Emma. They spent time alone together, but most of that time was spent defeating a giant and lamenting lost loves. Was there some chemistry? Sure. . .but I never thought they were in love - just attracted. In Neverland, Emma was/should have been focused solely on Henry.
What I'm getting at is this: aside from the missing year, Hook and Emma have known one another for maybe eight months - max. During which time, he probably spent seven of those months lurking around her town, stalking Rumple, and betraying her. During the other month - they were in Neverland. Does he even really know anything about her? Did we really need a whole episode to push the fact that Killian Jones Loves Emma Swan? I don't think so.
*Please note that I am having some major issues with the way the writers are handling Killian and the Captain Swan romance. I voice my thoughts here. If you don't agree, that's cool. Just please - keep the insults directed toward me out of my journal.