What's Up? I love you. You are such an awesome drama filled with amazing characters and realistic slow-burning story lines. After watching these episodes, I'm a bit confused why people were shipping Jae Hun/Doo Ri. They hardly interact! And when they do, it's with their whole group of friends. That confused me and it still does. But, whatever. Let's get to my thoughts and speculation!
Jae Hun: is really lovely and mature and strong. He's trying to find himself and he's just so. . .awesome. He wants to help everyone, even if it means he won't be happy and that's not a bad trait. I really want him to become a star, but there is still that accident looming in the background. And now that he clearly has romantic feelings for Tae Hee - that could cause trouble.
Do Sung: He's a dorky and sweet guy with some clear mommy issues. I feel for him when it comes to that and the way he's treated by his mom and even his uncle. I feel like he just wants a normal life and I think he could still get that. Other that that. . .I don't have a whole lot to say about him. But, and I know it's not totally his fault, I hate that when he's with someone (and TH isn't around) they call her his girlfriend. Maybe I'm missing something, but TH hasn't expressed any romantic feelings for him. His crush on her is as clear as day, but it just annoys me that JH and DR go around the school saying TH is DS's girlfriend. And DS never corrects them! Maybe he thinks she's his girlfriend? If so, he's in for some major heartache. :(
Soo Bin: Give this guy more to do! He sits and lets Chae Young unload or he plays the piano with TH, but. . .other than that - nothing. He's a child prodigy and everyone wants to talk to him. I skipped ahead and he gets a storyline starting around episode ten. Thank goodness!
Byung Gun: I love him! He's just so cool and I want him to become famous. (I skipped ahead and later he sees the ghost in the red gym suit. It turns out people whom the ghost appears to become super famous. Yay!) The actor that plays BG is a musical stage actor, and it really comes through during the quiet moments. I want a BG of my own.
Teacher Sunwoo Young: His back story is just so heartbreaking. He was a popular musical student and his girlfriend was in the drama department. She started losing roles and popularity (most likely because she was taking care of her sister's child) and he began to gain popularity. She tried to hold on to him and he began to push her away. The night he was to get his big break in musical theater (going to go overseas) she called. Just as she was going to meet him, she ran across the road and was hit by a car. She's was four months pregnant and they both died. SW blames himself for their deaths. And, that's why he's at the school: the take care of his girlfriend's sister's child in his girlfriend's place. Many people thought the child was DS, but no - it's TH! She's the child of SW's girlfriend's sister!
Doo Ri: Her episode where her mom visited and they had it out was perfect. I love that she seems the most real. She's trying to find herself and she's willing to do nearly anything to find who she is. I really like her relationship with SW. I was it were more mentor/student, but it turns out DR has a major crush on him. . .another one whose heart is going to get broken. :(
Chae Young: I don't care for her. I understand that she's trying to get off the B-list and become a "real actress", but that doesn't excuse her for her behavior. Literally stealing the spotlight from her team mate, because reporters are around? Not cool. Yelling at my beloved BG and blaming him for the "mistake"? Doubly not cool. Getting jealous that SB and TH are hanging out and telling JH TH is basically slutty? Really uncool. I think we're meant to feel sorry for CY, because she wants this so badly. But she may not have the talent and if she's not famous she has nothing. . .but, um. . .I don't. And from reading recaps of episodes 9-12 she gets worse.
Tae Hee: It's kind of weird, because all the cast listings and sites list TH's actress last. But, TH is really the character that ties a lot of the story lines and characters together. Without her, SW wouldn't be at the school. And, DR wouldn't have her current story line. CY wouldn't be doing some of the things she's currently doing (as of ep 12) and maybe she'd be somewhere else. JH wouldn't be where he is either. A lot of the characters seem to have their 'ah' moments of understanding around TH. That's not to say she doesn't have her own story line. Her mom left when she was three and when her aunt died, her dad refused to talk about it. Then, he kept disappearing before he died. (I'm thinking he was searching for TH's mother for her) So, TH has this weird guilt and anger toward her father. Like: he died and never said goodbye and he only died because he was doing something for me. Oy! No wonder she pretends her dad is around. But, I am adoring her scenes with JH: the complement each other so well.
Off to watch episodes 9-12!