If you don't know the site
http://tvtropes.org - you should. It's a great site that tells you all the tropes that are in television, films, manga/anime, literature, well. . .everything. I went on it and noticed that my original story,
Wonderlife fits many of these points. So, I made a list. I'm sure only a handful of my f-list will like it, but I'm still putting it up.
Pre-Story: 1972 - 1989
Brilliant But Lazy: According to Kang, Chan-wook is this.
Berserk Button: DO NOT call Takara crazy in front of Chan-wook. Ki Soo doesn’t like it when people compare him to Chan-wook; at all.
The Fool: Lee Dae Gu
Dead Little Sister: Takara is this to Kaori
Ill Girl: Takara has Schizophrenia
Ill Boy: Takatou died of Leukemia
Deceased Parents Are The Best: Takara and Kaori’s parents are dead; Chan-wook’s parents too.
I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Takara gets shot trying to protect Chan-wook. He and Kaori spend the rest of their lives thinking it was Chan-wook’s fault.
The Woobie: Chan-wook. Ki Soo. Takara. Kaori. Dae Gu. Okay, everyone.
The Artful Dodger: Chan-wook and Dae Gu.
Kids Are Cruel: Kaori seems to hate everyone and has no problem telling them - including her own kid sister.
Children Are Innocent: Takara and Takatou
Happily Adopted: Chan-wook is unofficially adopted by his young aunt (only 6 years older), Oh Jun Yi and later his uncle, Yoon Chul Hyung.
Hot Mom: Jun Yi is only six years older than Chan-wook, and as he remembers, was very beautiful.
Hot Dad: Chul Hyung is only seven years older than Chan-wook.
Absurdly Young Mom: Jun Yi was a teen when she adopted Chan-wook; she was six years older.
Innocence Lost: Ki Soo after he stabs someone. Takara after she develops Schizophrenia. Kaori after she starts working as a Hostess.
Mama Bear: Jun Yi toward Chan-wook.
Missing Mom: Dae Gu’s mother abandoned him sometime before the start of his friendship with Chan-wook.
Parental Abandonment: Ki Soo and Dae Gu’s parents abandoned them.
Promotion To Parent: Despite only being a few years older, Oh Jun Yi, becomes a mother to her nephew, Chan-wook (called Won-wan at the time) Shunji to his younger sisters Kaori and Takara; later Kaori to Takara.
Single Mom Stripper: At seventeen, Kaori became a Hostess, in order to take care of Takara.
All Girls Want Bad Boys: Kaori toward Chan-wook, even though she never admits it out loud. Takara toward Chan-wook, though she sees him more as a caregiver and a gentle person.
Break the Cutie: Everyone at some point
The Rival: Ki Soo and Chan-wook toward one another.
Broken Bird: Takara. Jun Yi to some degree.
It Gets Worse: Oh, does it.
Heterosexual Life Partners: Chan-wook and Dae Gu during the 70s.
Cool Teacher: Kang
Last Name Basis: Kang. His name is Kang Woon Hyuk
Teen Genius: Kaori says that Takara was a child genius; later a teen genius.
Two Guys and a Girl: Chan-wook, Takara, and Ki Soo for a time.
Jerk With a Heart of Gold: Ki Soo; Kaori
Jerk Ass: Ki Soo; Kaori
Bitch In Sheep’s Clothing: Kaori
Delinquents: Chan-wook, Ki Soo, and Dae Gu during their youths.
Oblivious to Love: Chan-wook never notices that Kaori has romantic feelings for him. Of course, she never bothers to say anything and usually treats him terribly.
That Man Is Dead: After the death of his aunt and uncle, Oh Won-wan became Geum Chan-wook. Feeling that Oh Won-wan didn’t need to be alive anymore.