I give up. I'll watch next week's episodes RAW, but I doubt I'll finish the series with softsubs. To say the writer, Jang Young Chul, dropped the ball with this drama is an complete and utter understatement. This series started off with so much intrigue, romance, family love, hope, and drama. It's turn into this big business and political thing. I DON'T care about the business dealings of the characters. Wasn't this supposed to be a revenge story? Why is it 1992 (as of episode 58) and there is still no revenge? That's over 15 years the Lee brothers have spent trying to get revenge - and failing.
As if that weren't enough, the characters have become mere shadows of their former-selves. And many of their storylines have been rushed or all but forgotten. In fact, some characters have gone missing without a word. Where did they go? Was it said in passing? Did I FF a scene and miss their goodbye? I just. . .
Kang Mo and Jung Yeon will get their happy ending. But, to be honest, I don't care. I just - I find them boring now. They haven't interested me since their first goodbye back in the 1970s.
Sung Mo, well he's been shot and is now mentally disabled. And, yes, MW played a role. (I think.) He's been missing for 5 years, living with his junior from his old job. And it only took 58 episodes to make his disabled. I thought they had tossed out that storyline.
Min-woo got Miju her first acting job. (Yet, he never told her) Instead, he watches her from afar, while doing shady deals, and falling apart in the privately of his car. He's not getting a happy ending. That's become painfully clear to me. It would be a rush job at this point, and I'd rather he be killed than be given a sloppy last minute redemption.
Miju, what has happened to you? She has no storyline. And, does she even remember she has a son? He's got to be 9 or 10 now - is he still overseas with Miju's ex-employer/foster mom? Miju has become one-dimensional, and everything is about how she's an actress/pop singer. She's got nothing else. The writer took the brightest and purest character and stepped all over her.
Pil Yeon keeps getting away. Somebody needs to just shot him. But, we know in 2010 he's in a mental hospital, so I'm guessing he goes insane after the death of MW. MW will probably step in the way of a bullet meant for KM. As Miju tearfully tells MW that WJ is his son, MW will die. And PY will suffer a mental breakdown. He'll blame the Lee siblings for everything, and then we'll flash foward to the first scene from episode one.
I have to say it: Giant is the biggest disappointment of 2010 for me. It started off as an awesome revenge story full of love and redemption and its become. . .a hot mess full of shady business deals, one-dimensional characters, unneeded angst, and plotholes I could drive a school bus through. I'm so disappointed and will pretend the show ended about 20 episodes ago. MW/Miju become engaged and live happily, KM and MW start their own business, KM/JY marry, SM meets his junior at the local whatever, PY dies in a horrible car crash after MW cuts ties with him, etc, etc.