ONE // Making friends and influencing people already

Oct 29, 2010 21:16

[ There's a clatter as the phone is knocked off the hook, followed by the sounds of drawers being opened and their contents being sifted through. There's some unhappy muttering, but otherwise the perpetrator of said rummaging is quiet.

Until he is interrupted by a female shriek: ]


-! I'm terribly sorry, madam. Is this your home? I appear to have been robbed and--

No! Bad! Get out of there this instant!

I beg your pardon?

Who even let you in the house? I keep telling the children, pets belong outside. Come on.

I let myself in-- pet? I'm no one's pet. Least of all- unhand me this instant. [ there's a snarl that's not quite human, and the sounds of a brief struggle, followed by a THWAP ] What- that was highly unnecessary!

Go on! Outside! I said go! [ silence for a beat, and then the drone woman retreats, calling for her husband to take care of the "filthy animal" in the bedroom ]

What... just happened?

[ The lone resident of 754 Partridge Drive might indeed find something... interesting in the bedroom, if he so chooses to look. ]

-action, how do i telephone, !ic, -phone, i need a drink, what is this technology, these are not my pants, drones will be the death of me

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