Mar 09, 2011 00:51

Since I don't have it in me to draw a proper reference of Ian, here is a handy post in case you are ever confused about something. It gives the basics of his appearance, as well as a few other tidbits I thought I'd toss in.

• Height: 5'5"
• Build: slim, but not lanky. He's got muscle to him.
• Age: 25, though he looks a bit younger than that
• Eyes: dark green, with slit pupils
• Hair: blond
• Skin: bright green with orange markings, yes he is scaly

• As a species, Raptori are stronger and faster that human beings. Ian himself has low-to-average strength for his kind, but his speed is incredible. He trained long and hard to get it that way, since he's a good foot and a half shorter than the average Raptori.

• His glasses are real! He's slightly near-sighted due to the head trauma he suffered when his Nestmates attacked him.

• He has raptor feet! His toes are highly flexible, making it easy for him to climb trees and cling to branches. His hands are clawed too, but I'm shit at drawing hands with any kind of detail.

• He is an omnivore, though he will take meat of any kind over vegetation of any kind if given the option. He will eat meat raw or cooked. Makes no difference to him.

• Scars. Ian has lots of them, though he hasn't regained them as of this post. Most of them are trivial- things you'd expect a swordsman-slash-sailor to have, but he has three long, ill-healed scars on his chest, just over his heart. These aren't battle scars- they are perfectly straight, deliberate marks. Wounds inflicted by his Clan Elders with a knife, and then packed with ash, marking him for death for abandoning his Clan.

• Most often Ian's tail will betray his mood before his face does. It flicks around irritably when he's irritated, and swings in slow sweeping motions when he's relaxed. His tail is not prehensile, but he has been known to whack people with it in a fight.

• Mating season for Raptori falls in what would be early April on our calendar. Since there are no female Raptori in Mayfield, he won't be getting... er, enthusiastic, but expect him to be quite irritable.

• His ears are mostly thick cartilage, and have very little range of movement. They can perk up slightly, or flatten, depending on the situation, but for the most part they stay where they are. He does have a very keen sense of hearing.

yaaaay bullet points, !ooc, i'm trying to be helpful, ro cannot draw, .info

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