I had a great weekend. Went and saw "House of Flying Daggars"with Jasper. It was truely a great movie. Total martial arts/love story. I like good love stories alot. Well not the romantic comedy ones, but you know what I mean.
I bought a nice dark red oak desk yesterday. I have such a great work station nowadays, oh yeah :) I'll take a photo later.
Yesterday we went to the surprise birthday of our friend Rick. It was out in the country side. They have a big barn there that they converted into a jam space with a stage, fireplace, little bar and all these special lights :) It was divine. A great night of good music, bbq and drinks. It rained alot yesterday and it was so muddy outside there. I was stomping in the mud and didn't realize the consequence because I look today and my pants are this big mud pile ;) hahaha.
Here's me and my classmate Arie.