(no subject)

May 06, 2009 22:55

I dont know if i could get mad... i mean it really sucks... cause i know what she must be going through, he didn treat her good at all... but she still loved him... and now she has the chance to be treated well by someone new.

Its been hard for me to treat girls good in the past... but i think this girl could keep things even... not let me get too much hand in the relationship..

she trips off her ex alot... like every chance she gets she has to start some kinda drama with him... trips off girls talking to him on myspace... i cant handle this shit.
we are not "official" so does that mean she could do what she wants when it comes to fucking her ex? i think they still have sex... but i only know for sure about them having sex like three weeks ago.. i wish she would tell me, but i know she wouldnt because she wouldnt wanna hurt me. the thing is that i understand... and i would prolly keep fucking my ex if i was in her position. her and him have had a long past together...and they have a child... i just dont want my heart to be crushed.

i dont know what to do. if this girl is falling for me... does a little new love mean a big fucked up love goes away... is feeling something for me mean that she wouldnt even imagine fucking around with him or anyone else... ?

this is why i never want to trust...
these kind of situations make me wanna go out and fuck some other girl...just because i dont know if she is just with me.
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