I have emerged from my post-convention/return to real world hangover. YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED KAT RETURNS.
So I promised y'all photographic evidence of why I wasn't on the intertubes for so long. BEHOLD.
First up is my Katniss on Reaping Day costume, alongside an awesome Effie I ran into in the food court. (Insert your own "Hunger Games" pun here.)
And then on Sunday, I was Claire Barton. (Favorite Claire Barton story: wandering through the dealer room and hearing a mom point out to her little boy, "Hey, look! It's Hawkeye!" To which the little boy (eight years old, tops) responded, "No, that's Hawkgirl! Hawkeye's a boy." He and his mom were still deeply involved in this debate when I left.)
This is me and an impaled!Coulson, once again in the food court. (Please note the donuts in his suit pocket.)
So yeah, I was scarce because I was making a dress (my first) and braiding a wig, and making a vest thing and painting a bow and altering the bow string so I could a) get past the TSA and b) carry it around the convention, and also making the SHIELD logo and an armguard out of elastic and popsicle sticks.
(Protip: do not glue things to other things WHILE ALL THESE THINGS ARE ON YOUR ARM. It may be expedient, but it will not feel good.)
This entry was originally posted at
http://walksbyherself.dreamwidth.org/232815.html. Please comment there using OpenID.