and it's tough to follow but i shall push on...

May 07, 2012 19:26

Okay, so my big fat Avengers meta post is still going to happen after viewing #2 (currently scheduled for next week) because there are things I need to see again and check before I ramble too much about them, BUT I GOTTA TALK ABOUT JUST THAT ONE THING FIRST.

In somebody else's Avengers reaction post, a commenter mentioned that Phil's death didn't feel like a Joss Whedon death. And the more I thought about it, the more I really really agreed.

Let me present to you my batshit theory of why Coulson is alive.

While watching the movie, the moment that felt like the "Whedon Death Moment" to me was after Phil talks to Loki ("you lack conviction"; hi there one of my favorite moments), blows him away the Destroyer gun and then says "So that's what it does." Those seemed like Whedonesque last words and I figured Phil was a goner.

And then in walks Fury and ho shit, kids! Phil still has lines! Lines that are...oddly heavy handed for a Joss death speech, but thankfully set up the convenient team motivation we've been waiting for. (Right up until he stops talking, anyway, which considering he just got stabbed in the chest isn't so unreasonable.) We have only Fury's word (who we have just spent twenty minutes establishing is a lying liar who lies) that Phil is dead.

I thought Coulson was dead at "So that's what it does" because it reminded me of Anya and Tara and Wash and Penny and hell, even Joyce--everybody who had ever been bright and witty and hopeful and fighting until suddenly they weren't. No more fruit punch ever again.

You know what Coulson's actual death scene reminds me of? Kaylee in the Firefly pilot.

And in conclusion, I'd like to thank Ashie for pointing out that one of my favorite writers has written fix-it fic, from Nick Fury's POV no less: Confidential.

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avengers assembled, spoilers

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