Finished Havemercy tonight. Cried through the last chapter. Listening to
this song on repeat the whole time probably didn't help, but don't care. Book was marvelous. (Also, if there is any particularly awesome fanfic/fanart/fanworks out there that I might have missed by being late to this marvelous party, hook a girl up yo?)
Have been made of fail when it comes to the internet this past week or so. Blame the girl parts. Will try and correct that this week. In an effort to fail less, and also because these prompts rule, I'm stealing that writing meme that everyone else stole.
Choose one or two or however many and a character/pairing and I'll try and write something for it. You can also ask for original if you're interested in seeing what my pretty little brain comes up with myself.
1) we would all be fools to pray for justice
2) great charity, bad tactics
3) a place beyond fear
4) prayer is a dangerous business
5) trying to build a tower out of custard
6) I will not fail death
7) all things out of season
8) lit like a burning city
9) now explain why you glow in the dark
10) expect to be valued accordingly
11) such a natural, normal lethality
12) choose good actions without good knowledge
13) the confusion of mind you dub honor
14) you were born to be betrayed
15) how long have I been walking down this road?
16) any man can be kind when he is comfortable
17) I've seen him cheat himself
18) these prizes are for living men
19) in desperation, anything becomes possible
20) I'd storm heaven for you, if I knew where it was
21) ignorance is not stupidity, but it might as well be
22) with the right to rule came the duty to protect
23) they will be vastly unlucky in their children
24) but he quit just an hour too soon
25) matter remembered itself so very clearly
26) the structure of her nose alone
27) all the words in all the languages of the world that ever were or will be
28) like trying to weave a box of shadows in which to carry water
29) time and scale, both altered out of reckoning
30) even your darkness shall be treasured then
My fandoms consist of: Life, SPN (although I am not most-recent-episode-compliant), Iron Man, Milliways, Downside, Greek Mythology...and most other things I fangirl; just ask and I'll see what I can come up with.
I have a few tags I want to catch up and then I'm heading to bed. Happy Easter, everybody.
EDIT: If you haven't seen
the new assassin for Assassin's Creed 2, DO SO. We're going to Renassance Italy, motherfuckers. We get to hang with da Vinci, Machiavelli and the Medici, and have TWO stabbity wrist blades. (Also, if that outfit were not so goddamn complicated--and undoubtedly too warm for EVER--would be more eager to cosplay it.)