i'm filling up this evening so i won't have to at 6 am...

Mar 12, 2008 06:05

First, for those of you playing sleep deprivation bingo at home, I have in fact slept tonight, but woke up to do work on my BA (more on that in a minute). First, however, it's time for things I find much more interesting:

- Like the fact that I've got a copy of the Devil May Cry 4 OST! Don't ask how, just tell me if you want a copy for your very own.

- Britney Spears is an anime character! No rly! Apparently it's for for her next music video. (Possibly an acknowledgment of her lackluster dancing of late?) The first two pics are kind of hot, but the third one makes her look like she's going to be the youma of the week on Sailor Moon and try and eat my face.

- Tomorrow is the second Senior Pub Night. Am going long enough to get my giant free pub glass, then heading back to anime club.

- Speaking of anime club, our Acen skit plans are shaping up nicely. I smell potential victory at Masquerade this year.

- Tracking back to DMC, like my brain does a lot lately, I'm trying to convince myself not to remake my LJ header with THAT picture. The face-biting one. You know what I'm talking about. Obviously, I'm not trying very hard.

- I have never watched a Zero Punctuation game review before, but thanks to some link hopping and a pit stop over at gaygamer.com (because really, I wanted to know what they had to say about the gayest game in Christendom) I have just seen their video for DMC4. Now, most of what he dislikes about the games I either agree with wholeheartedly or love blindly because it's DMC, dammit. EX. Yes, trying to do the timed jumping puzzle with the lame camera is vexing, but we've been griping about lousy camera angles since the FIRST DMC and really, DMC4 is a vast improvement over some of the old hijinks the camera used to get up to. Also, the whole dice game thing (especially Dice Game II: Just when you thought you didn't want to stab yourself in the eye) is INCREDIBLY annoying and I personally like his theory of how it ended up in the game. Kyrie is the ultimate cardboard girlfriend and honestly, I was hoping she'd bite it because watching Nero flip out over her dead body would have been more entertaining than her vapid facial expressions. BUT! The defying of physics, the ridiculous cut scenes, snarky half-naked women, the emphasis on stylishness and all around cracked-out action movie-ness of the game is what I've come to expect and love from the DMC franchise, only now it's all sexed up on a next-gen console with graphics good enough to make you weep. Based on the reviewer's reactions, I'm betting he's never played DMC before, or half of his gripes would have been avoided. If you want to check it out, it's here; worth watching for his final description of the game alone--"you could probably replicate it by putting a wasp next to a spider, playing some Slipknot in the background and pouring red and green gummi bears over whoever wins."

- ONE MORE DMC THING AND THEN I'LL SHUT UP, I SWEAR. Again, due to link hopping, I found some fanart. But not just any fanart. Go here, scroll down to the 'mixed' section. Second row, pic on the far right (probably NSFW). Yes, that's girl!Dante, if she were in DMC3 (aka, the game where Dante is shirtless). Dante's...girls are partially reined in, but...honestly, what it reminds me the most of is girl!Dean. "Yeah, I'm fighting demons and I don't need a bra. I'll just distract them with my hotness and then shoot them in the face a lot." (If you want to see girl!Virgil--who is more clothed, btw--then look at the first row of 'mixed' pictures, third in from the right.)

- Today is my last day of class in the winter quarter. Also my last chance to meet with my BA adviser before Spring Break. I really don't want to go, but I skipped last week, so I kind of have to. Am going to try and slapdash together some new BA stuff to send him before I have to go to my discussion section. Thank God my hair's washed so I can flee the house at the last minute without having to worry about looking like a total scuzz ball. And now, to the Afghans.

Messages of support and/or distraction are greatly appreciated.

PEA ESS: You know that meme about blogging about something new? Yeah, I'm in, but I'm too lazy to copy paste.

ba says what, dmc, procrastination nation, real life, acen, uchi

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