Okay, I know I have to be the behind-the-power-curviest person to ever be behind the power curve, but I only just managed to track the damn thing down.
Doctor Who. The Weakest Link. JOHN BARROWMAN SINGING THE DOCTOR WHO THEME WITH DAVID TENNANT DOING BACK-UP. JOHN BARROWMAN KEEPS CALLING ANNE 'MISTRESS.' I MAY BE DEAD. Now I know where that damn clip of Tennant that keeps showing up in icons comes from. I cannot stop grinning.
And on a singing John Barrowman note, I give you
Springtime for Hitler. (Why yes, that is a bleached blond John singing the male lead. And damn if he isn't the prettiest Nazi at the ball.
Also, the riding crop. It turns me on kills me.)
No, I did not just finish season two of Doctor Who and start Torchwood tonight, why do you ask?