Random Annoyances and the Current State of Affairs

May 19, 2005 08:38

You know how I was going on before about pulling a B+ and how I was accepting it all, well.... screw that. Somehow I managed an A- that, and while still not spotless, puts me at a 3.88 for the semester. All in all I'm very happy.

I'll be out of town for the weekend in Washington DC for my sister's graduation. I'm shooting to get a little bit of writing done on the way up and back. The downside is that I may have to spend 8+ hours in a car with my sister's boyfriend. He's a nice guy, but sort of annoying from my point of view. I like him because he makes my sister happy, but I do not like him because 1) he is eight years her senior, 2) she may feel compelled to turn down a good job in order to be with him in Cincinnati, and 3) he's (only just) the manager at a Steak and Shake. I hate thinking down on him because of that... but he was a rent a cop when they met. I'd like him to gain some direction in life before considering doing anything long term with my sister.

Maybe I'm just picky or a bad person. I only want the best for her.

Otherwise... time for some random television thoughts:
1) My parents have gotten into American Idol this season. It's amusing on one hand, but also very saddening on several other (people's hands). American culture loves this? At least the final two make me happy.

2) If NBC ever decides to do another Greek Myth inspired show again, hopefully they will not rewrite the entire Classical Pantheon again in order to reinforce their contrived storyline. I'd be happy with not rewriting it just to make a bigger part for Sean Austin.

3) Lost is slowly winning me back. I still like to pretend that everyone on the island is secretly humoring Jack's leadership role. Let the doctor believe what he wants and maybe he'll stop complaining. Otherwise? The season finale (part 1) actually answered some questions without raising too many more, so I'm happy.

4) I can stand CSI: New York more than the other two versions. I have no idea why. Miami is still okay only for Ainesly Hayes, but the series as a whole long ago began to chafe just a little.
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