i cant sleep

Dec 24, 2008 05:30


Stayed single almost the whole year?
nope, have been in a relationship for most of it (minus maybe a month in the summer?)

Kissed someone new?

Done something you've regretted?​​​
nothing serious

Lost someone?​​​

Cut class?
just lab

Were involved in something you'll never ​forget?​​​
My work on J.B.

Visited a different country?​​​

Cooked a gross​meal?​​​
no i am a good cook

Lost something important to you?
Not that i can think of

Got a gift you adore​?​​​

Tripped over a coffee table​?​​​

Dyed your hair?​​
No, i have actually never dyed it before..

Came close ​to losing your life?​​​

Went to a party?​​​
lots and lots and lots of parties

Read a great book?​​​
what else am i doing at st. john's?

Saw one of your favorite bands​/​artists live?​​​

2008:​Friends and Enemies:

Did you meet any new friends this year?​​​

Did you dislike anyone?​​​

Did you grow apart​from anyone?​​
yes, unfortunately

Do you have any regrets when it comes ​to your friendships?​​​
  i regret not hanging out with my friends as much as i would like, although i have been very busy this year.

2008:​​​ Your BIRTH​DAY!​​​

Did you have a cake?​​​
umm...i don't remember. but i don't think so.  i was too busy drinking beer.  legally.

Did you have a party​?​​​
i went out to the bar with some folks

Did you get any presents?

2008:​​​ All about​ YOU

Did you change at all this year?​​​
i think i am becoming a little more stoic.  i also think i am becoming a better cook.  i dunno if those really count as "changes" though.

Did you change your style​?​​​

Were you in school?​​​

Did you get good grades?​​​
hahahaha grades.  i have never looked at my grades while in college.  my don rag (conference) reports were all excellent at the end of last semester though, and i didn't have to have one this semester, but i think i did alright.

Did you have a job?
i still work in the communications office as an editorial assistant.  also had a shitty summer job at cvs in nj

Did you drive​?​​​
i drive all the time.  i drove my car to maryland from texas with nick at the beginning of the year, too.

Did you own a car?

Did anyone close to you give birth​?​​​

Did you move at all?​​​
from paca to spector, and i lived with my grandparents in nj for the summer.

Did you go on any vacations?​​
um, i went to georgia.

Would​ you change anything about ​yourself now?
be more stoic.  be stronger (physically)

2008:​​​ Wrap UP:

Was 2008 a good year?​​​
yeah it was nice, i felt very accomplished

Do you think​ 2009 will top 2008?​​​
i dunno.  i will get a chance to go out and be a real adult.  so maybe it will be better.

I confe​ss that in 2008 I...
() kissed in the snow
(x) celeb​rated​ Halloween
(x, but only for like a few weeks and then it was unbroken...) ​had your heart​ broke​n
() mooned someone
() went over the minutes on your cell phone​​
() someone questioned your sexual orientation
() came out of the closet \
() got pregnant
() had an abortion
(this was already a question) done something you've regretted

(x, i think i did this year anyway) painted a picture
() wrote​ a poem
() ran a mile
() shopp​ed at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch​
() poste​d a blog on MySpa​ce
() visit​ed a forei​gn count​ry
( ) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someo​ne you were busy when you weren't
(x) partied to celebrate the new year
( ) cooked a disastrous​meal
() lied about​ how old you were
() prank ​called someone

In 2008 I...
[i can't think of a specific instance, but probably] broke​ a promi​se
[] fell out of love
[x] lied
[x] cried​ over a broken heart​
[x] disappointed someone close​
[x] hid a secret
[] pretended to be happy​
[] slept​under​the stars​
[] kept your new years​resolution​
[x] forgot your new years​resolution​
[​]​ met someone who changed your life
[] met one of your idols​
[x, to a stoic one of course] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing​ nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[] left the country
[​] almost died
[x] given​ up on something /​someone important to you
[] lost something expensive
[] learned something new about yourself
[x] tried​ somet​hing you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] made a change in your life
[] found out who your true friends were
[x] met great​people
[] stayed up til sunrise​
[x] cried ​over the silliest thing​
[x] had friends who were drifting away from you
[] had a high cell phone bill
[x] ​spent​ most of your money​ on food
[] had a fist fight​
[] went to the beach with your best friend
[x] gotten sick
[] liked​ more than 5 people at the same time
[x] became closer with a lot of people..
[x] ended something
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