Supernatural Argentina Convention News!

Mar 29, 2010 23:52

Hola a todos, muy buenas noticias se acercan, como saben la Conv sigue en pie para 2011 y es muy posible contemos con ayuda de nuestros hermanos Europeos, una empresa con experiencia en las Convs y que todos conocen. Una vez mas les pedimos fuerza, fe y lucha en este tramo final, demos a conocer cuanto seguimos apostando por esta Conv para todos los paises de habla Hispana, para poder proceder y comenzar con las ventas.
Les pedimos se acerquen y se unan a los grupos paralelos:

y por el foro:

Contamos con su apoyo en este tramo final. Gracias!!

Hi! Great news are closer! as you may already know Supernatural Argentina Convention is still going and is planned to happen April 2011.
We are expecting to count on an European organization interested in the project and that would support and make it possible. This is an organization that you all know and that have experience in Spn Conventions.
So once more we ask you to support and let them know how much you still want it to happen, that despite the difficulties we are still together fighting for our dream to let them proceed and start selling tickets.

We ask you to join and comment in this new groups:


We count on you all. Thanks!

supernatural argentina convention news

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