I've been on LJ a long time (since 2000!) and still shudder and delight at writing a bio.
I am an outwardly reserved, inwardly passionate guy. I'm queer, geeky, and sensitive.
I maintain a separate blog about wine:
Cheap Wine, Cheap Reviews.
If you want to know more about me, check out my interests. My journal is mostly friends only. Oh, and this is perfect:
http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/dreams.png My interests:
anthropology, arthur c. clarke, astoria, babylon 5, balance, baristas, bart, bdsm, bears, berkeley, board games, body art, bottoming, boys, bricks, bridgewalking, brooklyn, brownstones, cartography, cats, classical latin, classism, climate change, co-housing, coffee, communal living, community, cooking, cubs, cuddling, cuny, david tennant, debt, debt revolutions, doctor who, documentaries, dorks, drawing, driving, driving cross-country, early 90s, economic class, emotional energy, empathy, epics, exploration, f-zero, family guy, final fantasy, firefly, geography, globalization, google, graduate school, harry potter, hoodie weather, hoodies, human rights, hyperawareness, intentional community, interior design, international law, international politics, interstellar travel, ireland, irish history, katamari damacy, kundalini yoga, labor, labor rights, labrets, late 80's, leftists, living in my head, long island city, lynx, maps, mario kart, mosaics, mst3k, murray gold, neighborhoods, new york city, ngos, nintendo, northampton, nyc, oakland, older men, older women, parallel universes, passion, photography, piercings, political art, political science, polyamory, queens, queens college, queer vigilantes, queers, radiskull & devil doll, recovering catholics, red dwarf, regional planning, relationships, road trips, rpgs, rudy rucker, rvs, san francisco, science fiction, scissor sisters, sensation, six feet under, social class, stephen baxter, stewie, stubbornness, subways, sustainability, sustainable living, tattoos, teleportation, temescal, testosterone, time travel, topping, trains, transit, turbobricks, unions, urban, urban exploration, video games, volvos, walking in the night, wikipedia, woodhaven, workers' rights
Friends (66):
aberrant1, angelboyqz, anthrocubsf, bananasinorbit, beandelphiki, beatgoddess, beccawrites, bootgrease, branwyn32, cbrownsuperhero, crackkittie, danielray, dawgboi, deltagrl, derekja, dorfird, drownophelia, elzeekio, femmeboy, flutefly, forcemajeure, frankiejlh, furryfairy, geeksdoitbetter, genderwarrior, grokfairy, gypsyecks, i_am_lynx, immaculatepizza, jendaby, jmstine, johnnyboysriot, katycat, laughingsnow, lawlesslawyer, leftfield18, littlefilmboy, m16, marlarose, mascot, metabutch, mornhyland, mysteryfag, oh_behave, perkykoala, piginacage, queentushy, queer_boy, redrhodes, reesespieces86, rip_n_roll, saturninesprite, shutupandfish, somechicksings, songquake, speedy_421, suzily, theorybitch, thetruestself, ticket_to_zen, tinyrevolution, tranarchoi, waterchild, wearbear, wylddelirium, zenchump
Mutual Friends (60):
aberrant1, angelboyqz, anthrocubsf, bananasinorbit, beandelphiki, beatgoddess, beccawrites, bootgrease, cbrownsuperhero, danielray, dawgboi, deltagrl, derekja, dorfird, drownophelia, elzeekio, femmeboy, flutefly, forcemajeure, frankiejlh, furryfairy, geeksdoitbetter, genderwarrior, grokfairy, gypsyecks, immaculatepizza, jendaby, jmstine, johnnyboysriot, katycat, laughingsnow, lawlesslawyer, leftfield18, littlefilmboy, m16, marlarose, mascot, mornhyland, oh_behave, perkykoala, piginacage, queentushy, queer_boy, redrhodes, reesespieces86, rip_n_roll, saturninesprite, shutupandfish, somechicksings, songquake, speedy_421, suzily, thetruestself, ticket_to_zen, tinyrevolution, tranarchoi, waterchild, wearbear, wylddelirium, zenchump