My bed is rather high up off the ground.
When sitting on the edge of it to put on my shoes, even _my_ feet don't touch the ground.
I jumped up out of bed this morning and swung my legs over the side in extreme haste.
The battery pack for the portable dvd player we have was waiting for me about 4 ft below.
Said battery pack nestled itself right into a lovely, deep, righteously tender spot in the arch of my foot as I landed.
I summarily bounced my head off of the ceiling in an all encompassing "dance of pain" response.
HAH! -rub rub rub-
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuK. (!!!) das hErt.
rar. --limp limp limp--
Happy Monday, luvins. You guys doin' well? :) xxoox