Just Another Job // Fic

May 13, 2010 09:00

Title: Just Another Job
Author: hawkwolf
Fandom: Silver Wolf (Musical)
Rating: PG-13ish for talk of random killing
Summary: It's just another job. So why does he feel so bad about it?
Word Count: 435
Author's Notes: I own neither the character nor his canon. Sadly.

Ray let out a soundless sigh as he checked his gun for the hundredth time. It was in perfect working order as it had been the last ninety nine times, but it gave him something to do as he waited for the last of the lights in the Laveau house to go out. The rhythmic sounds and motions of checking the gun helped pass the time and settle his mind. It had been a long, long time since he’d been troubled by a contract. Not since he’d started choosing his own contracts. But this wasn’t a contract, was it? This was a mess that he had made himself responsible for fixing. Three innocent people would have to die tonight, just to cover for Batista’s failure and save both of their reputations.

The guilt or innocence of his targets rarely concerned him. In his mind, almost everyone was guilty of something, but he’d always prided himself on only accepting contracts against people this world was better off without. People who through their actions or inaction caused harm to others. It was probably pointless self-justification but it was one of the things that he liked to think set him - and usually Batista by extension - apart from the average assassins. He’d built his reputation on that selectivity, that and of course being good. But then Batista had to go out and take a job Ray would never have accepted for either of them, from a man Ray would never have dealt with. Then again, that was why he’d taken charge of Batista in the first place. The man was a damn good assassin, but he was far too eager to use those skills, too eager to blast through negotiations without getting all the information. Left alone he would have gotten himself killed sooner or later. Nearly had today. He’d failed to take out the target and while he’d hadn’t been found then, his employer had stormed into the bar all too willing to kill Batista for that failure.

So he’d stepped in. Calmed the employer down, asked if there was a way to fix things. And damn it if the man hadn’t smiled and said, yes there was. And thus, here he was, watching the last light go out. Three people had going to bed, thinking everything fine. Three people would not wake up tomorrow, and a fire to cover any evidence. Just a job, he told himself. You’re an assassin. Killing people is what you do. No need to feel guilty about it. No matter the circumstances, it’s just a job like any other.

Just another job.

character development, fic, head canon

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