I need to start painting again. I have this cool idea for a series of acrylic/mixed media paintings (my preferred style/media when I used to paint) exploring my insomnia, painted at night when I can't sleep or have woken up.
No, I've no idea what the paintings will be of. That is up to my sleep-deprived brain. A palette of grays, darkest purples, beige, softly glowing red and blue white of a phone or laptop screen... The leaking colors of dawn - scarce rays of orange, weak yellow, but mostly lightened lavender gray, charcoal and steel... These will be my palette.
I've always worked with feelings, rather than figures or landscapes. I like to include gathered material in my work or paint upon it.
The call of my brushes to canvas, board or stone is growing louder.
I must create. This series feels like the first thing I'd be willing to submit to a showing.
So many ideas half formed, media to be used... Teas, pills, sheets of fabric. Ceramic and glass shards, from the glasses i've broken.
I want to do one that is tea and wine on linen... Though my media of choice are acrylic and mixed media on canvas or wood.
Brain. Swirling...
My creativity has returned.
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