thank god it's fatal

Feb 25, 2007 11:47

answers to leksa's questions:

If you had to choose between being a delicate flower, FOREVER, or John Wayne, FOREVER, which would you choose?
oh man, JOHN WAYNE. john wayne, HANDS DOWN. i am deeply invested in being john wayne, and in no way am i ready to give it up.

If Torchwood and Supernatural got it on, who would be on top?
okay, so i've just read technosage's wildly interesting treatise on BDSM terminology, social positioning, and bedroom politics, and i was all self-conscious and paranoid for this question, thinking about what it all MEANT and what ASSUMPTIONS i would be making and the STEREOTYPES i would be perpetuating; and then i remembered that i'm anthropomorphizing two abstract entities (viz. hour-long television dramas) with respect to their having sex with each other. hypothetically. so i'm going with torchwood. and supernatural would LIKE IT.

What do you look forward to (apart from things related to your point a.)?
lunchtime. quitting time. that hazy, distant point in the future when there is no paper languishing on the counters of the file room and i emerge triumphant. happy hour. new clothes. snow. packages in the mail. passover in april. bonaroo in june. oscar party tonight. self-actualization.

What kind of weather are you having over there? Why is it so goddamn cold over here?
it was cold (by atlanta standards) through the month of january and the first half of february, and then it warmed up last week, and right now it's 55°(F) and thunderstorming. the days are getting longer and people are rejoicing in the streets, but mostly i'm just irritable when the sun slants through the office in the late afternoon and stabs holes in my brain.

as for why it's so cold over there, i could suggest any one or a combination of such meteorological and geological factors as a) the relative latitude of southern finland, b) the decidedly skewed axis of the earth, c) the rotation of the earth upon that axis, d) the revolution of the earth around the sun, e) el niño, and f) global warming global climate change the natural variability of the earth's seasonal global climate. but have you considered the possibility that don't have a pure heart?

Which song is like you?
i find myself hopelessly unequipped to answer this question, so here's a song by the mountain goats instead. it's nothing like me at all, but it is awesome: no children

if anybody else has questions, ask away.


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