
Mar 29, 2010 09:31

Dr. House MD Caricature Hugh Laurie
Originally uploaded by caricaturasI really burnt the top of my mouth this morning with some hot, hot coffee. I don’t know why I don’t stop drinking it after it has hurt me. I think it has something to do with the fact that I don’t have cup-holders, so I am forced to hold the cup the entire drive causing me to drink it out of boredom. “This wouldn’t have happened if I had been smoking a cigarette!” I angrily yell from my half-opened window.

You wouldn’t believe it, but I am addicted, baby. Addicted to the television show House. I mean, what would you call watching 10 episodes in a row? Yeah they are an hour long-ish each. Yeah, so what? It is Twin Peaks all over again.

I suppose today signifies the first day of my spring break. This isn’t that exciting because I still work everyday. Next Tuesday however, I have to pick two songs of mine to present to my music recording class. I don’t know which ones yet, but I will, oh I will. (I think I may present the Measures: the Sequel song, brainsohbrains. The groovy version. Am I somehow how vain or selfish for liking that song so much? Why is it taboo for people to like their own music?)

I’m searching for the catalyst that lies dormant somewhere inside my head. I know it is there because under the right circumstances I can really surprise myself with how excited I can be about something. Like shivering with excitement even. You know the feeling where everything is going right and you are smiling and then all off a sudden, as if your body can no longer hold it in, you let out a euphoric shudder. It is a great feeling. You should try finding your catalyst too.

Last night I had a dream that I was walking by this house and I could the silhouettes of people getting eaten by other people. So I started running and eventually took a BART train out of there. But it turns out the people who ate the other people were these Vampires and they caught up to me but somehow I had created a resistance and we all fought. The battle is blurry but at one point one of the people on my side got shot with an arrow but he had turned his head so it just went though he cheeks and he stopped for a second and smiled at me with an arrow stuck through his face. Running in dreams is exhausting. I am so out of shape it is crazy.
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