(edited to allow commenting here)
Originally published at
Dreamland Visions Photography. Please leave any
comments there.
Wendi, Jess and I had the pleasure to spend three days in Nashville shooting with Oleg Volk. As normal, with Oleg, the resulting images are already making the rounds of the 2nd Amendment and firearms blogs.
You can find Oleg’s blog at
OlegVolk.Net/Blog. I have included a few of my favorite shots of us but by no means are my editorial skills up to his. One of my favorite posters he’s come up with so far is this one:
No such thing as a social contract with evil.
I did get to spend some time behind the camera and have a few very wonderful shots of Jessica, a few of Wendi and Oleg discussing setups for the shots in the woods, and even one of the mad Russian himself.
Oleg Volk being Oleg Volk
And since none of you come here for my oh so witty prose, here are some photos. Enjoy. (warning! there be nudity beyond here..)
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