DEPLOYMENT 12: Seasonal Holiday Observance

Dec 25, 2011 07:55

[ACTION (847 Goldberg Street, Morning, CLOSED TO HOUSEMATES)]

[It's officially Christmas Day, now, and the horrors of the month for the most part appear to be over. Virginia no longer looks or feels like a vile replacement, and neither does any of the "erased." It's all been the town rewiring people's heads. Bakin should be happy that it's over, but ... Mayfield really does know how to wreck holidays. At least he'd remembered to go and try to buy Christmas presents for his "family" before the town so sinisterly made a game out of unpersoning people.]

[Waking up in the morning to the sound of "It's a Wonderful Life" playing downstairs, though, he heads down into the living room and is absolutely stunned by the sight that awaits him. The tree is practically surrounded in presents now! It helps that one of them is really, really big, as if someone had rolled in a piece of giftwrapped furniture while the family was sleeping. The stockings are even stuffed-full of what, though, Balin doesn't know yet.]

Holy shit ...

[Balin slowly approaches the tree to inspect the additional presents and figure out where they came from. He'll still be checking out the tree when his housemates wake up.]

[NOTE: This entry is backdated to December 25, hence the difference in timestap between this entry and comments; regains had been approved OOCly during this period.]

*847 goldberg street, christmas day, !regains, ^caesar silverberg, let's do the time warp again!, *action, @mayfield

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