DEPLOYMENT 6: I'm Loco for Logos

Sep 10, 2011 18:08

[ACTION (In and Around Goldberg Street, Afternoon, OPEN TO ALL)]

[In the 50's, the Postman still delivers on Saturdays! Balin heads out of 847 Goldberg Street to check the mail-and, after opening the mailbox and retrieving what's inside, sees that it's a package in his name.]

Huh. They finally sent me somethin' else?

[In a inglorious fashion, ( Read more... )

^olivier armstrong, ^keine kamishirasawa, *phone, ^kiritsugu emiya, ^ilsa higa, !regains, @mayfield, *847 goldberg street, the postman is a mean drunk, ^virginia maxwell, *action, ^garviel loken, ^theo crawford, ^caesar silverberg, enjoy the regain light show, ^riza hawkeye, ^date fuyuhiko

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Phone doctor_tyrant September 10 2011, 23:46:42 UTC
I can write you a prescription if you'd like.


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 23:53:22 UTC
Yeah? You-work at'a hospital'ere?


doctor_tyrant September 11 2011, 00:12:27 UTC
Oh, yes. Just call me the Doctor. And I'd be more than happy to recommend some medicine depending on your symptoms.


walking_nuke September 11 2011, 00:19:42 UTC
-Ahright. I think-this is like a migraine. I ain't sure-Mayfield fucked with somethin' I got back, normally it doesn't happen all at once-


doctor_tyrant September 11 2011, 00:27:24 UTC
Really? That's fascinating... And what was returned to you?


walking_nuke September 11 2011, 00:36:06 UTC
My "tabula." It's-

-Damn, how do I explain this?

It's tied to'a Logos System. An' I-Mayfield made me go through'a whole-process of learnin' every Element I knew back home.


doctor_tyrant September 11 2011, 00:46:05 UTC
I'd like to point out the nature of our worlds may be different. By "element", you may be speaking of the four elements that the alchemists knew. Five, in a certain part of the world. Or one-hundred and twelve and growing as my world understands.

... But regardless, this knowledge assaulted your mind simultaneously, giving you... your migraine. I believe that is the issue.


walking_nuke September 11 2011, 00:50:16 UTC
Oh, right-um, by "element" I mean-uh ... pictogra-ideogr-whatever'a fuck those things are. Alien language uses 'em-they developed'a Logos system.

But-that's about right, I think. Normally you learn 'em one at a time. It's-not that bad that way.


doctor_tyrant September 11 2011, 01:01:42 UTC
Aliens, you say? My, I can only imagine how advanced your world must be. Alien language aside, possessing knowledge that could actually harm another when improperly studied is quite impressive.

It certainly puts my dull world into perspective.


walking_nuke September 11 2011, 01:11:47 UTC
[Balin chuckles bitterly.]

It ain't all sunshine and rainbows back home-trust me.

What kinda medications do you normally give to kill a migraine?

[And now Balin really wishes he'd asked this of one of the Medics back home, since he's so clueless.]


doctor_tyrant September 11 2011, 01:22:04 UTC
Dihydroergotamine is effective. It comes in the form of either a nasal spray or if you're so inclined, an injection. There's also ergotamine tartrate comes in the form of tablets or, once again if you're so inclined, suppositories.

They're fortunately available in the 50's, but those are for the more acute cases. It would be overkill otherwise. If your migraine is temporary, then over the counter painkillers are just as suitable.


walking_nuke September 11 2011, 01:37:23 UTC
[Suppositories?! Yikes!]

I uh-erm. Yeah, I think-I'll just stick with'a painkillers unless-unless it gets worse. Or keeps fuckin' with me.


doctor_tyrant September 11 2011, 01:42:37 UTC
That would be my professional opinion as well. Feel free to tell me if it continues and I'll write up a prescription in no time.


walking_nuke September 11 2011, 01:49:42 UTC
Ahright-thanks again, Doc.


doctor_tyrant September 11 2011, 06:09:19 UTC
Of course.

By the by... I believe you mentioned the Postman. May I ask how he is involved?


walking_nuke September 11 2011, 06:24:10 UTC
[Balin pauses for a second. This guy must be a new arrival.]

He's'a guy that sends us our stuff from home-sent me a package in'a mail today-it was a picture of'a golden ratio, you know, the rectangles-within-rectangles spiral thing?

Back at home-that's what we use as a "handshake" system with'a Logos Shrines. Next thing I knew-one of 'em popped off'a picture an, well-felt like I was downloadin' off every shrine I'd ever found.


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